politics finance and economy

The parliament betrayal: When the ayes have it

by admin on | 2024-07-04 11:02:51

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The parliament betrayal: When the ayes have it

In the realm of democracy, the Parliamentis seen as the cornerstone of representation entrusted with the solemn duty of safeguarding the interests and aspirations of the people. However, beneath the surface of legislative decorum lies a disturbing narrative—one of betrayal perpetrated by those elected to serve. The Parliament, once revered as a symbol of democracyhas sadly become a hotbed for self-serving agendas as evidenced by the recent events that have exposed a systemic erosion of this fundamental principle with members of Parliament prioritising personal interests above the well-being of the people they are elected to represent. Take a moment to ponder the glaring inequalities perpetuated by the recent laws enacted by the purported representatives of the people. Rather than acting as agents of equality, parliamentarians, in a spree are designing laws meant to serve as tools of oppression thus widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots. While the privileged take advantage of favourable policies to amass wealth, the marginalised struggle against a heavy hand of the law that appears to burden them unfairly. Picture the single parent tirelessly juggling multiple jobs to put food on the table only to be confronted by the daunting reality of punitive policies that unfairly burden them. Imagine a family torn apart by the burden of medical debt. Picture the heart-wrenching scenes of families facing evictions, torn from the very roofs over their heads due to skyrocketing rents or ruthless urban renewal and regeneration schemes. Imagine the anguish of children forced to leave behind the only homes they have ever known, their dreams and stability shattered by the callous whims of policymakers and private investors deepening the scars of inequality and injustice in our society. Picture the marginalised communities bearing the brunt of environmental degradation and industrial pollution while powerful corporations evade accountability. Picture a student shackled by an education system that prioritises profit over intellectual growth. Consider the hardworking individual stripped of their dignity and forced to endure punitive taxation that drains their earnings.

These narratives are not merely tales; they represent the very lifeblood of communities fighting to survive in a system that is rigged against them. The emotional toll of such injustices is immeasurable as dreams are crushed and futures snatched away by policies and laws that prioritise profit over people. Yet, perhaps the most heartbreaking aspect of this reality is the erosion of hope. When the very people who are elected to protect and uplift us betray our trust, it is easy to succumb to despair.


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