by admin on | 2025-03-06 09:34:05 Last Updated by admin on 2025-03-28 10:06:14
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Dear Sir,
Allow me to address you on behalf of our country’s Gen Z-Ote and, of course, myself. But first things first. Accept our salutation of Shalom, Mr. President. I hope and trust you will receive, read and consider this communication from a fellow citizen in good faith. I promise, as is expected, to address you respectfully. Let me, incipiently, confess why my resolve to pen, to borrow Gen Z language, this missive. Our historically divergent paths crossed when we served in President Mwai Kibaki’s government, you as a cabinet minister, and I presidential advisor for constitutional, parliamentary and youth affairs. As you campaigned during the 2022 presidential ballot, we had a few encounters. As Deputy President you on several occasions came to church in Makueni county where I served as governor (2013-2022). Several times you beseeched I join the Kenya Kwanza Alliance (KKA). I knew you sought my support because you wished to enlarge your vote potential in the Lower Eastern Region, and among progressive forces. I remember you once affirmed that your Hustler philosophy was in sync with the National Convention Executive Committee’s (NCEC’s) Wanjiku ideology. You advanced this correlation because you knew of my previous role as the spokesperson of our country’s pro-democracy movement in the 1990s. You emphasized our twin visions made us birds of the same feather who should flock together. Indeed, like many, I was tempted to swallow hook, line and sinker, the idea that your frequent advocacy of Hustler – Mama Mboga, Boda Boda, Mkokoteni, Wheelbarrow et cetera et cetera – narrative would, when conscientiously implemented, consummate the Kibaki legacy. You would therefore be the one to finally liberate Kenya from the proverbial aridity of poverty, disease and ignorance, leading the nation to the Canaan of milk (or if you wish mursik) and honey. Remember you asked me to join your legal team after your electoral victory came under...
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